Following method will show you how you can make BOOTABLE USB using COMAND PROMPT (cmd).
STEPS To Make BOOTABLE USB Without Any Software
1. Insert Windows CD/DVD in your CD ROM/DVD ROM and copy all files to another folder. You can also extract ISO image if you downloaded from internet.
2. Press WINDOWS Key + R and type DISKPART and hit ENTER.
3. Command Prompt Window will appear on screen.
4. Type LIST DISK and press enter. This will show all the drives available in your system. Find the
Disk number of your USB Drive. For me it's Disk 1. There can be different disk numbers in your case.
5. Type SELECT DISK 1 and press enter. (Here "Disk 1" is your USB drive no. )
6. Type CLEAN and then press enter.
7. Type CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY and press enter.
8. Type SELECT PARTITION 1 and press enter.
9. Type ACTIVE and then press enter.
10. Type FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK and press enter. It will format your USB Drive wait till 100% complete.
11. Type ASSIGN and then press enter.
12. Type EXIT and press enter (Diskpart Will Exit).
Now Begins the Last Part of Making it Bootable.
1. Put Windows 7 DVD in your DVD ROM
2. Open cmd Type D: CD BOOT (substitute the “D” if necessary with the letter of your Windows 7 DVD drive)
3. The final will like D:\Boot> bootsect.exe /nt60 E: (assuming 'D' is your DVD ROM drive with windows 7 DVD in it and 'E' is your usb drive letter.)
4. Now Copy All Windows File to USB Drive. Done!!!
Congratulations!! You have Successfuly created your bootable USB.